This is that wonderful time of year when people are thinking of giving gifts to others. There is a wide assortment of gifts you can choose from to give to those you love. The challenge that most of us are faced with is trying to figure out the best gifts to give. They say that the best things in life are free. With that in mind, here are a few gift ideas that truly mean a lot to our loved ones.
The Gift of Time
Time is our most precious commodity. It is our one resource that once it is spent, it can never be recovered. James said that our life is but a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes. (James 4:14). So, when we spend time with those we love, it is a gift that warms the heart and elevates the emotions like no other gift can.
The older I become, the more I realize that it is the time spent at the dinner table sharing a meal together with those we love is one of the greatest gifts of all. It creates memories that linger on long after the gifts under the tree are forgotten.
A Listening Ear
We all have times in our lives when we just need someone to talk to. Someone who will listen to the matters of our heart without being harsh or judgmental. Simply put, sometimes we just need that special family member or friend.
A great gift we can give anytime of the year is a listening ear. Perhaps the other person is going through a similar experience that we have had. There is nothing greater than hearing them out and letting them know we understand and care about them.
A Helping Hand
Most people do not like to ask for help. They tend to be independent by trying to accomplish certain tasks that would certainly be easier with others assisting. When we see someone in this predicament, we can give a great gift to them by getting our hands dirty right alongside them.
Remember, Jesus took time to wash His disciple’s feet (John 13:1-ff). He demonstrated what it is to be a servant. He then taught us to do the same for one another. When we follow His example, we reflect the love of Christ before others, and we give a gift that greatly impacts the heart of our loved ones.
It is good to think of our friends and family as we are out shopping this Christmas season. There is nothing quite like seeing beautifully wrapped Christmas boxes under the tree each year. However, as we think about giving this year, let us also remember the greatest gift we can give is of ourselves.
God Bless each of you,
Eric Hicks